May Goals

April Goals:
  • Shift my focus towards hope -- wrote briefly about this here, and then had a rough bout of events in DC that made me struggle with having hope for a city
  • One coffee/lunch/dinner date with friends each week -- this has become part of my routine, I will continue doing this, but will no longer be a "goal"
  • Go for a walk every day -- almost every day? does that count?
  • Plan work time vs. family time with Mark the night or weekend before. This is going to require a bit more focus than a cameo in my monthly goals. If you have any tips on this, I am eager to hear from you.

It is unfortunate that it has taken me five months of making goals to remember a key component of my personality -- I am detail oriented. This lapse has lead to repeated inaction. I like specifics. Better stated, I thrive on specifics. The more detail the better. When asking me a question, you will rarely ever get the Reader's Digest version of the answer. Details and specifics help me define my space, sharing details gives me the chance to audibly process, receiving details calms me. And yet, I have spent the past four months making fairly loose goals with little specifics to drive me towards results. So now I present you with May.

May Goals:
  • Plant our balcony herb garden. Cook with the herbs from the garden each week.
  • Create a list of adventures for the summer, no more than one per week.
  • Finish the first draft of a project I am working on and send it off for review before Memorial Day Weekend.
  • Outline and re-establish a structured bedtime routine for our family. Create a poster with Behr outlining the steps.
  • Break out the paints and have fun, at least once this month. 

These specific goals are tied to our family priorities, and provide enough detail for me to be able to latch on and actively work towards them. These goals allow me to grow. I look forward with sharing my progress with you along the way.

What factors of your personality do you consider when setting your own goals?

I am linking up with The Tiny Twig
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Also, I am running a brief survey regarding my blog. 
Would you be willing to answer a few questions for me? Start here.
If you leave your email at the end, you will be entered to win a surprise handmade care package. 


  1. I always need to keep my tendency for procrastination in mind when I set goals for myself. It's hard, but I tell myself I don't have hard and fast deadlines for my goals, and it makes them easier to achieve!

  2. We planted our balcony garden this past weekend! Hopefully I will see something grow soon ;)

  3. Love the planning ahead for summer!!! I need to get on that too!

  4. Love the idea of creating a poster to show the process of bedtime. When I worked in an after school care program, we always were intentional to use visual calendars for the boys because that's the only way we found a lot of them would follow any type of schedule. The girls only needed to be told but the boys needed to be shown.

  5. Specific goals are the way to go for me too! I hope to plan a little getaway for our summer this month too!



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