Confessions and Motherhood

Each Sunday, as part of our church's worship service, we read a corporate confession of sin aloud before having a time of silent prayer. The practice of corporate confession was new to me when we first began attending our church, five years ago. Over the course of time I realized that what I appreciate most is that these often rather general confessions of common behavior have challenged me and often revealed greater struggles. Reading together creates a sense of equality -- we are all sinners. It is powerful, convicting, and encouraging.

A few weeks after Hudson was born {after the blissful first days, in the midst of sleep-deprived crankiness} we read the following confession:

Our Lord, forgive us for being angry and grumpy when you call us to serve others. We serve our-selves gladly, but are often bothered when our spouses, parents, roommates [children] and co-workers need our help and interrupt our plans. As we serve, we often grumble silently to ourselves, watching the clock wondering when we can be done. We forget we're serving you first.
Lord God, forgive our selfishness. Amen.

As a mother, struggling with recovering from my cesarean section and coping with a two-year old acting out and a colicky newborn, I felt like this confession was written for me. It is so easy to slip into grumpiness and to let that attitude shape my days. To become ungrateful or to lose perspective will also rob me of the joys. I have been carrying around this confession, re-reading it almost daily. Praying this prayer. I have found this helpful as a mother, a wife, and a friend.

What do you find helpful in the hard moments? Does your church pray corporately? What do you turn to for encouragement?


  1. This hit close to home. You're right, in the trenches of motherhood, it's so easy to become grumpy (and for me- selfish). Thank you for the reminder!

  2. Just yesterday, with my little girl being only three weeks old, I found myself wanting to prioritize something as greatly significant as doing a load of laundry over holding her when she wanted to be picked up. I thought to myself you were just fed and you have a dry diaper, now it is 'my turn'. Yet I know this time will go fast and it is many ways what my arms are for right now and an amazing privilege that this little person wants to be held by me. I feel like motherhood is level two of the selflessness lessons that come with marriage! Thinking of you friend, as I face similar struggles.

  3. I love this. We don't do anything similar in the LDS church, but I feel like we can get the same feeling in our classes when we discuss gospel topics and ways we can improve. This is something I really needed to hear. Being a mom of two has been so much harder than I expected (and mostly I feel like that comes from my attitude, ya know?) I need to let go of my "me time" (not all of it, but I require way too much!) and focus on my family more because they aren't going to be little forever. Thanks Shannon!

  4. This was wonderful. I find coffee helpful in the hard moments...ok ok kidding (not really, but sort of). I find prayer helpful. I know it sounds cliche, but it puts it in perspective. Hope you're well Shannon :) I love seeing your pics on Instagram!

  5. Great post, Shannon! Thanks for the reminder! This motherhood thing can be challenging to say the least!



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