August Goals

I have a tendency to jump ahead, or look behind, forgetting the present day I am standing in. Are we ready for the school year? What will I pack for lunch that is nut and sesame free? Did we enjoy summer? Go swimming enough? How about the interns moving in this fall? Are we ready for them? Oh wow, October is looking busy, I should make sure we have everything scheduled. I missed Hudson's sixteen month blog post (coming soon!) should I give up on them completely? Do you have similar tendencies? Are on a swivel between what is coming and what you have missed? I get a bit worked up about all that is to come, forgetting that today is here.

Our summer vacations are over and yesterday I almost packed away the swimsuits for the year. I actually thought about pulling out winter sweaters. A short trip outside reminded me it is still sweltering in DC. While we may not be ocean-front in the next few weeks, there is still plenty of summer for our family to enjoy before September.

For August, I want to stop and savor. My goal is simply to celebrate each day.

Here is how:

  • Re-start my morning workout/prayer time.
  • Limit of 3 to-do list items before we head out for the day's adventure, so we don't get stuck inside working.
  • Easy dinners, mostly from our farm share.
  • No TV on the weekends, for us or the kids.

How do you slow down and enjoy the present season? I want to look at August and say, "the days were good." I'm worried about working too much, not being ready, wasting summer.

I am linking up with The Tiny Twig
for Goals with Grace


  1. I can definitely relate to planning way in advance. It can be a tricky balance to enjoy the present and still prepare for the next season. I love getting out of the house and exploring the outdoors where there are less distractions. Especially with a good friend to join the adventure! Great goals!

  2. I also need to restart my morning workout and prayer time! Good luck (and thanks for the reminder ;-) )



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