A Cozy Christmas

With a baby right around the corner (still not here yet) we decided to lay low this season.  It wasn't photographed!  {seriously, it was that low key!}  Our Christmas was untraditional, but perfect.

Christmas Eve Day
Mark's brother and parents came into DC to join us for a festive supper.  We had ham, scalloped potatoes, a winter salad and fruit salad.  I was happy to cook and enjoyed being able to serve everyone around our recently purchased table.  Good food and great conversation made for a joyous time that was blissfully uneventful.  We exchanged gifts.  Ben received a rain coat and brown socks...from both his parents and us!  It was pretty funny.  They joint gifted us a wonderful new TV.

Christmas Morning
Ben spent the night with us.  We woke up to a pancake breakfast by chef Mark, good coffee, Christmas movies, and rousing games of monopoly.  Ben smoked us all...over and over again!  After Ben left, Mark surprised me with a video camera, something I had been hoping to get to capture precious moments with our son.  Now if only he would decide he was ready to be born...

The next day a blizzard hit the East Coast.  It skipped DC, but hit Philly hard enough to prevent my parents from coming down to celebrate.  They were finally able to make it down.  We had a great time hanging out, exchanging gifts, they got us a new DVD player as ours is on the fritz, walking around DC, and playing games.  Our day was capped by dinner at a local German restaurant, Cafe Berlin.

We loved spending quiet time with our families and look forward to seeing them again soon after the birth of our baby!

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