Happy Thanksgiving!
For the past few months I have been gathering thoughts in my head about the wonderful women I am friends with and how I am so thankful for their faith and strength. These women have impacted my life so dramatically, that I am certain I would be a different person without having met them.

Amanda: traveled with me on a missions trip to Guatemala, introduced me to many new foods and dietary restrictions! challenges me spiritually, constantly expanding my horizons, currently serving in the Peace Corps.

Karlene: makes me laugh more than anyone in the world, literally drove me everywhere in high school, most significantly bible study, church and Young Life (even though I was always out of the way!), the reason I played lacrosse in college and the reason I even had a lacrosse stick in college, currently living her dream job in Boston and pursuing a career in women's health.

Faith: pregnant working mother with incredible amounts of compassion and care for others, my high school confidant, I love that our husbands are such good friends! your faith and the way you raise a family (+ debt free!) are an inspiration and encouragement. Currently works as a pediatric nurse.

Brooke: my baby sister, incredibly humble, stellar basketball player and the wisest woman I know (she asks me about financial decisions and career paths as a teenager!) Currently living the high school experience.

Sarah: fully understands the importance of loving and serving where you live, defies the odds and lives outside of the norm for the sake of doing what is right. Currently works for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Katie: probably my best friend in the world. Katie reads my thoughts and knows me better than anyone, when life gets rough, Mark calls Katie! she has incredible faith, perseverance, and determination, has a heart for the less fortunate. Currently pursuing her Masters in Public Health.
I have known most of these girls since I was little and they still love me! They are wonderful women of God who are serious about making a difference with their lives. I am thankful for the impact the have had on me and more importantly the impact on their communities around them. Thank you for being such incredible people! I love you!
Shannon, You are so sweet. I am thankful for you too. Thank you for your friendship. I always feel loved from DC.