Between the frigid cold, the inauguration, the right to life march, a new congress, and many other "happenings," life in DC has been a zoo this month! Mark and I have skipped town as much as possible. While this means we have had a lot going on, therefore plenty to blog about, it also means we are running ragged with little spare time. Therefore, my New Year's Resolution is to resume blogging regularly...in February!
By then, hopefully this town will get back to normal. Between the Construction and now the break down of inaugural grandstands, the main roads throughout DC have been clogged, creating extra long commutes. The the mall has been covered with port-a-potties for weeks (some 5,000) and now with everything over, piles of trash lay behind with rats and pigeons flocking! Needless to say, our nation's capitol took a beating this month, and needs some clean up. I look forward to seeing the beautiful mall embrace the coming spring, hopefully soon!
I am so mad about the trash! There were NO trashcans anywhere! I understand this was because of security but it did not encourage people to clean up after themselves at all